Suppressing the Software Update Wizard User Interface

It is possible to suppress some or all of the Software Update Wizard's user interface so that the update process runs partly or fully invisibly to the user.  Normally you can do this using optional 'switches' within the keyword lines that cause the Software Update Wizard to display an interface to the user.

For Filename, Zipfile and AdditionalFile you can append “<noui>” to the corresponding keyword line to suppress the interface.

To suppress the unzipping progress bar for Zipfile there is the “<noprogress>” option.

To suppress the notification posted by KillProcess that the running application is about to be closed in order for the update to be made, use the "<nowarn>" option.

Finally, you can suppress the final ‘success’ message (i.e. the one that tells the user the update was successful etc.) using the keyword line “NoSuccessMessage”.

You should bear in mind that all UI elements which the Software Update Wizard displays are launched in the security context and onto the desktop of the logged on user.  Therefore, if any interface is required by your update process the application launching the update check must be running in the security context of the logged on user.  Of course, this is the normal situation!

An exception would be where you are calling the update check from a Windows Service application.  In this instance you must either use all the interface suppression switches described on this page or devise a way of launching the update check in the security context and from the desktop of the logged on user (instead of from your Service application).